Posted by cdvtechguy on Dec 4th, 2019
Now More Than Ever - Wild Salmon Need You

At the heart of all of the Eyak Preservation Council's work are the wild salmon
We are dedicated to supporting the sacred connections between wild salmon, the land and the people. For thirty years (since our inception following the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill in 1989), EPC has successfully protected and defended pristine salmon habitat as well as our traditional wild salmon fishing cultures and economies.
It has been quite a year for EPC. We are proud to share these accomplishments:
- Played a pivotal leadership role in organizing and collaborating with the Cordova community to submit comments in opposition to proposed oil and gas development in critical salmon habitat in Controller Bay
- Hosted the sixth Eyak Culture Camp, conducting cultural GIS field work to document Eyak sacred sites with Eyak elders, youth, linguists, and archaeologists
- Made significant progress in the Bering River Coal: Keep it in the Ground Initiative; received a $1M commitment towards the purchase,
- Collaborated with statewide coalitions to address accelerated mining threats and the proposed Chugach National Forest Roadless Rule exemption
- Mentored several young, dedicated, motivated activists to step into leadership roles
- Hosted 50+ guests at the Eyak Lake Home and program participants from all over the world for Alaskan educational and wilderness adventures
We resolutely support regenerative communities for future generations while protecting the magnificent ecosystems that nourish us all.
The Copper River Delta is now officially recognized as one of the largest roadless (because of EPC) estuary ecosystems on the planet. This sacred region is home to bears, moose, eagles, salmon, vibrant mosses, Sitka spruce, and multitudes of microorganisms keeping the soil beneath our feet healthy. We vow to honor, respect and defend the reciprocal relationship we have with this intricate and abundant web of life.
Please donate to the Eyak Preservation Council today. Through your generous gift, you are actively safeguarding the precious biodiversity of this wild place and the people who depend on it.