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Our mission: to honor Eyak heritage and to conserve wild salmon culture and habitat through education, awareness and the promotion of sustainable lifeways for all peoples. 

EPC's work ensures that the salmon will continue to return to their birthplace and nurture the ecosystems of which they are a fundamentally important species. It also ensures that the community of local subsistence and commercial fishers in the region will continue to flourish. Essential to local economic sustainability is bioregional conservation, and our little corner of the world is a microcosm baseline model for the planet. This is one of the last wild places on planet earth where we still have a chance to get it right, by leaving it alone - wild and thriving. Please use this site to investigate and propagate our message. Learn more

EPC Updates

Now More Than Ever - Wild Salmon Need You

— Dec 4, 2019

We are dedicated to supporting the sacred connections between wild salmon, the land and the people. For thirty years (since our inception following the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill in 1989), EPC has successfully protected and defended pristine salmon habitat as well as our traditional wild salmon fishing cultures and economies. [+]

This is a Call-to-Action!

— Nov 1, 2019

We urge you to please take time to speak up and show up in support of the preservation of Southcentral Alaska’s stunning wild salmon ecosystems. This coming week, you can take two actions to address urgent issues that threaten our wild salmon way of life. [+]

Fall News & Updates

— Sep 19, 2019


See all the EPC News Here